William Kiffin

William Kiffin
William Kiffin

April 17, 2011

No Fine Print, No Conditions!

"It appears, in that it [the new covenant] was a free covenant, in respect of the subjects thereof; there was no Condition put into it, the performance whereof doth entitle to the Blessings therein contained. It's their Union with Christ entitles, and not any thing done by them, 1 Cor.3.22,23. Gal.3.29. You can't find one Condition put into the Covenant, with respect to the subjects thereof, in all the places where it is most largely described: All the Conditions were to be, and are performed by Christ. Now if this be granted, that the New Covenant contains nothing but Conditions on Christ's part, and nothing but Promises on the Father's part, it will follow, that such as have no interest in the Merits of Christ, that have no Interest in the Promises of the Father, have no Interest at all in the New Covenant."

  Anonymous. Truth Vindicated (London: Printed for the Author, 1695), p.266

April 10, 2011

Christ our Covenant

"For as it is Christ, alone that is given for a Covenant of the People: So it is by his Blood alone that all the Promises of the Gospel Covenant are Confirmed unto us. It is evident therefore that the Promises of the Gospel Covenant do all of them run to Christ the Inheriting Seed; to him they are made; In him do they all Center; And by him alone to be Communicated to all his Members."

Philip Cary. A Solemn Call (London: Printed for John Harris, 1690), p.211.

April 1, 2011

Reformed View of the Covenant of Grace Destroys Justification by Faith!

Thomas Patient says, "Fifthly, this opinion [believing the covenant of circumcision to be the covenant of grace, aka Reformed view] destroys the doctrine of Justification by faith in Christ, only seeing that it doth hold out another way than by faith, to come to Justification, which is by carnal birth of beleeving parents; for if a soul be admitted into a Covenant of life, I hope you are not ignorant, that Justification is a great privilege in the new covenant, and really the portion of all that are in that covenant."

Thomas Patient, The Doctrine of Baptism and the Distinction of the Covenants (London, Henry Hills, 1654), 80.